Palm Frond Hanging Planter

In an earlier post, I turned a palm frond I found into a hanging light fixture. This project uses the other frond that I found at the same time. In the winter when storms roll into San Diego you can find palm tree debris all over the place and its free for the taking. I wanted a way to hang some plants in the window in my shower since with all the moisture, it seemed like a place plants would thrive. Of course, I didn’t want to spend money when I thought I could make some cooler than I could buy at the store. This is how the frond looked before I started. It’s a little larger than the one I used for the light and had a nice curve that I thought would help to hold the soil in place.

I started by using some left over leather cord which you’ve seen me use in other projects. I tied a few pieces around the front to keep it place after I filled it with soil. If your frond is dry, try soaking it in water to soften it up so that it doesn’t crack when you bend it.

I filled it with soil next and wadded up a plastic grocery bag to keep the soil from falling out. To hang it I used more leather cord and made a sling for the planter to rest in. I tied it up to the old curtain rod first and then slid the planter in place. The way its hung on a slight angle makes watering it really easy. So that the dirt doesn’t run out I use a wash cloth and ring it out. I only have to water it on one end because the slope allows the water to run down through the roots of all three plants and drains out the lower end. These plants were freebies and are two different types of begonias and a fern. If I do it again I might line the inside of the frond with something to keep it from rotting over time.

As always, if you have any questions on how I did this or need advice on making your own, just holler! Thanks for reading and remember, today’s ideas become tomorrow realities.

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About Rob Metke

I'm a graphic designer, doer, thinker, artist, inspiration seeker, creative fiend. Check out my Site: / Follow me on Pinterest: / Follow me on Behance: / Contact me:

4 responses to “Palm Frond Hanging Planter”

  1. Jenny says :

    You’re the coolest, Rob.

  2. reubix1 says :

    Aha! Love this idea, too!

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